17 - 18

2017 Green Beret Classic – Cincinnati

Sep 17 - 18, 2017

, Loveland, OH

2017 Green Beret Classic – Cincinnati

GB logos_Page_2 "Value the Sacrifice and Contribute to the Healing"

Welcome to the 3rd Annual Cincinnati Green Beret Classic’s Webpage

Year after year we remain grateful to our growing network of business sponsors, individual donors and volunteers. The 2017 Cincinnati Green Beret Classic was a great success. To justly convey enough thanks and praise for the generous donations of money, time, and talent given by Cincinnati Green Beret Classic supporters does seem possible.  

Together we increased awareness of the incredible service Green Berets provide to our Nation and raised consciousness of how the Green Beret Foundation supports these great warriors, their families and families of the fallen during injury, illness, loss, deployment and transition from a military career to civilian life.

As the need for the Foundation’s services grows, supporters of Cincinnati Classic events again have shown they “value the sacrifice and contributing to the healing.” God Bless you for your support. 

Fran & Jim WesselingGreen Beret Foundation Ambassadors

Golf Fundraiser Spotlights Needs of Green Beret Veterans

Cincinnati Green Beret Classic Photos

cropped-d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e.pngReady For Next

Hear the Wesseling’s story on how the Green Beret Foundation helped their son, a wounded warrior.

Thank you to our Sponsors

    2017-09-28-11-36-03 2017-09-28-11-39-56 2017-09-23-20-37-22 Stephen Instructing GB's at Reception D & B GB golf F &W color
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