The green Berets
The Green Beret Foundation provides immediate financial assistance to Green Berets who are injured in the line of duty, to their families, and to the families of our fallen brothers. We also distribute funds to support the extended care an injured Green Beret requires in the event the Veteran’s Administration is unable or unwilling. The Foundation is focused on the immediate/special needs of our wounded and is dedicated to the long-term health of our Green Beret Family.

We have been totally blown away by the support we have received from the Green Beret Foundation. When my husband was first injured we received a check from the GBF to help with unexpected expenses in those early weeks.— Green Beret Wife on GreatNonProfits.Org
The Green Beret Foundation Mission
The Green Beret Foundation provides immediate financial assistance to Green Berets who are injured in the line of duty, to their families, and to the families of our fallen brothers. We also distribute funds to support the extended care an injured Green Beret requires in the event the Veteran’s Administration is unable or unwilling. The Foundation is focused on the immediate/special needs of our wounded and is dedicated to the long-term health of our Green Beret Family.