Athena Undergraduate Degree Scholarship Application

The Green Beret Foundation will award three Special Forces spouses who are pursuing their undergraduate degrees $5,000 each.

Welcome to the Green Beret Foundation Athena Scholarship Application!

The Green Beret Foundation is pleased to provide educational scholarships to deserving spouses within the U.S. Army Special Forces community pursuing their undergraduate and graduate degrees.

Applications will be accepted April 1st through May 1st.

All application information must be submitted through this application form. Applications and documents will not be accepted via USPS, email, fax, or over the phone. 

Scholarship funds are sent directly to the applicant's educational institution and are to be used for tuition. Winners will be notified on or before June 1, 2024.

Please review the answers you provided carefully. Once you're ready to submit your application, click on the Submit button on the bottom of the form. Should you have any questions regarding this scholarship or the application, please email

Custos Fortis and De Oppresso Liber




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