Security World’s Drive & Dine

This is an event that is held to bring together those in Westchester County together as we honor and remember our Veterans and our deployed troops. Everyday there are victims overseas, and at home, of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). PTSD is serious, it is the main contributor to the increasing suicide rate in the army. It is the reason that veterans come home today looking edgy, inconstant fear, overly alert. It is a horrifying, non-visible scar. A scar that can only be fixed by showing veterans
we are here for them.
Drive and Dine
IV is an event where we drive our beloved sports cars, historical cars, and motorcycles around Westchester County to bring awareness towards those deployed and our veterans and get our neighbors, friends, and family to stop for a minute and think of those young men and women. While we take the time to empower our veterans and service members from all eras and branches we are excited to help those that, sometimes, find it the hardest to ask for help, our Special Forces.
Drive & Dine starts with a 26 mile, police escorted, convoy throughout Westchester County in New York. Following the 26 mile convoy, we welcome
EVERYONE to join us for a car show, cookout, and auctions.
All proceeds will benefit the Green Beret Foundation.