In the wake of the devastating terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, bonds formed between individuals from various backgrounds, all united by a shared pain and a common determination to rebuild and remember. Within this tapestry of connections, a remarkable relationship blossomed between New York’s First Responders and the brave men of the U.S. Army Special Forces. It was a connection formed on mutual respect, sacrifice, and a shared understanding of their challenges in the aftermath of tragedy.
Furthermore, Tommy and Timmy Haskell exemplified the highest standards of FDNY, bravely running towards the Twin Towers on that fateful day and ultimately sacrificing their lives in the line of duty. Their sacrifice will never be forgotten, and they will always be remembered as shining examples of what it means to be a true hero.
As a result, an effort to memorialize Tommy and Timmy, and commemorate ODA 555 and ODA 595 – two Green Beret units that were among the earliest to deploy to Afghanistan at the onset of the Global War on Terror – the Haskell family, in collaboration with Nine Line and the Green Beret Foundation, resulted in the “Brothers in Battle” shirt.
Guided by the emblem of the Horse Soldier Monument, a stirring image came to life – two firefighters passing a flag to a soldier on horseback. The symbolism was poignant – a powerful representation of unity and strength between those who fought on foreign soil and those who continued to protect and serve on home ground.
For more information about the FDNY Firefighters Tommy and Timmy Haskell’s legacy, please click here, and to purchase your limited-edition “Brothers in Battle” shirt, please click here