The Green Beret Foundation (GBF), an organization dedicated to supporting soldiers of the U.S. Army Special Forces and their families, is pleased to announce that Sarah Holzhalb has joined the team in the role of Donor Relations Manager.
Bringing to the table more than 13 years of experience as a nonprofit development and advocacy professional, as the GBF’s Donor Relations Manager Sarah will be overseeing all aspects of development for the organization, including coordination, logistics, and execution of fundraising events; stewardship; grant writing; advocacy; donor benefits; and donor recognition.
Formerly a commissioned officer in the U.S. Coast Guard, during her sea time Sarah participated in search and rescue missions and counternarcotic operations, as well as implementing port safety and national security regulations within the domestic shipping industry. Prior to joining the GBF, Sarah was Director of Marketing and Development at America’s Warrior Partnership and Relationships Manager and Corporate Giving Manager at Team Red, White & Blue. She also spent 9 years as Director of Government Relations and Regulatory Affairs manager for the Offshore Marine Service Association representing the offshore domestic energy industry, focused on implementing comprehensive legislative and advocacy programs and public policy engagement.
As a veteran herself now working in the donor relations sector of the veteran nonprofit space, Sarah sees a unique opportunity to connect with donors and advocate for the specific needs of the Green Beret Community.
“It’s another way to serve in this capacity, using the skills and knowledge that I have,” she explains. “While at home we are watching the soldiers come back from Afghanistan on the news, many don’t realize that Green Berets are still out there in numerous countries all over the world. They haven’t necessarily come home yet, and when they do, they are going to continue needing the services and resources that will help them transition to build the purposeful lives that both they and their families need and deserve. As Donor Relations Manager, I will be working to bring donors into the GBF family, nurturing those relationships, and helping them feel personally connected to the mission.”
Her own professional connection to the Special Forces community is instrumental in this process, as well. “Green Berets are elite. They’re the best, and they have to be supported by the best. I definitely see that in the team at the Green Beret Foundation, too. In order to work in any veteran nonprofit, you have to really believe in the mission and the purpose of that organization, or you won’t become the team that you need to be in order to meet the needs of the people you’re serving. Belief in that mission is critical, and it helps you put your heart into it. The team at GBF truly cares for each other, Special Forces soldiers, their families and the communities that support them. I’m incredibly honored to join them.”
About the Green Beret Foundation
The Green Beret Foundation (GBF) provides U.S. Army Special Forces Soldiers and their families with emergency, immediate, and ongoing support. Since its inception in October 2009, GBF provides programs and services in support of the Special Forces Regiment on a daily basis. Since its inception, GBF has invested 84%, or 84 cents of every dollar, into its programs and services, which has totaled over $16 million that has directly supported the Regiment and its families. GBF is the only nonprofit solely dedicated to supporting Green Berets and their families that has achieved a 4-Star Rating with Charity Navigator. Also, GBF is the sole special operations nonprofit that is accredited by the Department of Veterans Affairs for the purpose of preparation, presentation, and prosecution of disability claims.