
#060: Josh Bridges – Navy SEAL, CrossFit Athlete & Founder Of Good Dudes Coffee

Thursday May 19, 2022

Serving in Special Operations doesn’t require special abilities or superhuman powers. It requires an adherence to a standard that most people don’t have the discipline to enforce.

In our first long-form episode at Sandlot Jax and the GORUCK Games, Host Fran Racioppi sat down with Josh Bridges, Former Navy SEAL, CrossFit Athlete, Creator of the Pay Him fitness program and Founder of Good Dudes Coffee

Josh and Fran talk the importance of not putting goals on pedestals; training not until you get it right, but until you can’t get it wrong; how the fear of failure or inability to do something motivated Josh to train harder and with more focus; and the difference between training hard and training to win. Josh shares his entrepreneurial adventure into the coffee business with Good Dudes Coffee.

In partnership with Jaguar Land Rover of Fairfield and The Readiness Collective who provided the WWII British Royal Air Force Land Rover Ambulance Podcast Studio. 


Listen to the podcast here


About Josh Bridges

TJP 60 | CrossFit AthleteKnown for his Hulk-like victory scream, Josh Bridges is a four-time CrossFit Games veteran and a CrossFit athlete since 2005. A former collegiate wrestler and U.S. Navy SEAL, Bridges has won three of the five regional competitions he’s competed in and finished on or near the podium in three out of his four Games appearances, with a career best finish of second in 2011. Though Bridges devastated fans when he failed to qualify for the 2015 Reebok CrossFit Games, he made his comeback in 2016 after retiring from the military, taking a 13th-place finish as the oldest—and at five-foot-five, shortest—individual male at the Games that year. He was 33.



Josh Bridges – Navy SEAL, CrossFit Athlete & Founder Of Good Dudes Coffee

I tell people all the time that serving special operations doesn’t require special abilities or some superhuman powers. It simply requires adherence to a standard that most people don’t have the discipline to enforce day in and day out. In our first long-form episode at Sandlot JAX, the GORUCK Games, I sat down with Josh Bridges, former Navy SEAL, CrossFit star, creator of the Pay Him Fitness Program and Founder of Good Dudes Coffee.

At 5’5”, Josh fit into the back of the Land Rover ambulance much better than I did to show me that size and background don’t matter in the drive to win as long as your standards and commitments are taller than everyone else. Josh was a loan officer with a wrestling background who didn’t know what a Navy SEAL was until a coworker explained it. It was his lifelong dream to earn the SEAL Trident. Josh earned his. The coworker quit on day two.

TJP - EP #060 Josh Bridges

Fran and Josh Bridges at Sandlot Jax

Josh and I talk about the importance of not putting goals on pedestals but attacking them a little bit each day. We discussed training, not until you get it right but until you can’t get it wrong, the fear of failure or inability to do something motivated Josh to train harder and with more focus and the difference between training hard and training to win. Finally, Josh shares his entrepreneurial adventure into the coffee business and how Good Dudes Coffee is in it to go pro and compete with the biggest players in a crowded industry.

A special thanks to Josh for taking time out of the GORUCK Games to join me and share his story. A big thank you to Jaguar Land Rover Fairfield and The Readiness Collective for their partnership and support in the activation of the World War II British Royal Air Force Land Rover Ambulance Podcast studio. Check out our videos and pictures from this episode and the entire Sandlot event on YouTube, Instagram, LinkedIn or Twitter. Find all our episodes on our website at or wherever you get this show’s episodes. We’ll see you there.

Josh, welcome to the Jedburgh Podcast.

Thanks for having me.

Sandlot JAX is upon us. We’re set up and on location. We got the World War II Land Rover Defender Podcast in the back. Thanks to The Readiness Collective and Jaguar Land Rover Fairfield, who donated to us to use. It is truly an honor to sit here with you, former Navy SEAL and one of CrossFit’s most accomplished athletes. You’ve been down here for the games. How’s it been?

It’s been fun.

Let’s talk about your background. You grew up in Missouri. You were a wrestler and into some other sports but your parents told you that you couldn’t play hockey because it was too expensive.TJP - EP #060 Josh Bridges

Growing up, I always wanted to play lacrosse but we didn’t have it in the Midwest, just wrestling. My brother and I were both feisty and got into trouble. The high school wrestling coach came into the junior high and I walked past him. I’m short-statured and a little bit thicker. He goes, “You’re built to be a wrestler. You should be wrestling.” I looked at him and was like, “Okay.” My brother started wrestling that year in high school. I started in eighth grade but it was fun. Wrestling was a demanding sport. I always said college wrestling was harder than buzz physically. There might have been a couple of reasons why that was.

I said that about rowing. I was a college rower and I said, “I would have never passed selection if I hadn’t rowed.”

Maybe it was the mindset I had at the time, being young, an eighteen-year-old kid going into college, coming out of wrestling, having an ego and thinking I was tough crap. You go into the wrestling room. For every kid in the college wrestling room, there are no chumps in there. In high school wrestling rooms, there can be chumps. They’re going to have kids who are like, “Give this a try.” They then get cleaned on the mat and leave the next day. There’s none of that in college wrestling.TJP - EP #060 Josh Bridges

You went in there and it was a beat-down session every day. The coach made sure we were physically fit to be on the mat for seven minutes. I didn’t have to cut too much weight in high school. I cut a little bit. In college, my coach wanted me to cut even to a lower weight than I wrestled in high school. I told him no. I went up to the next weight class and was wrestling guys who were so much bigger. I was like, “This was a mistake.” These boys were big. I got tuned up a lot in college wrestling.

There are a couple of stories about you and your time in college. You’ve lost yourself a bit. We talk about elite performance and everything required from a characteristic state to achieve things. We never want to leave out the difficulty people go through to get there. No success is ever without failure. It’s something that you have to go through adversity and persevere through it. Can you talk to me a little bit about that college experience where you talked about losing yourself?

I only was in college for a year. I wrestled for a season. At that time in my life, I lost who I was. I felt my athletic career was over. I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do with myself. I thought I wanted to go into the business world. I dropped out of college and quit wrestling. In my high school and college life, I followed my brother. He quit baseball in high school, so I quit baseball in high school. He quit wrestling in college and so I quit wrestling in college. I felt lost. I didn’t have any goals, ambitions or plans. I was like, “I’m going to go into the business world and swing it. Let’s go.” It was tough and a rough part of my life. I drank a lot and ate terribly. I stopped working out.

That feels good for three days. I’ve done that too, where I’m like, “I’m not working out. I’ll be fine.” For the first three days, you’re like, “This is not that bad.” You wake up at 4:00 and it’s like, “Oh, God.”

It was an interesting part of my life. Without that part of your life though, you don’t truly appreciate the highs. You got to feel those lows. That was a dark part of my life for three years. I thought maybe for a little bit, “This isn’t so bad.” Some days were good but for the most part, it was like, “This is not what I want to do with myself.” I remember sitting in a cubicle one day being like, “Is this my life for many more years?”TJP - EP #060 Josh Bridges

Thank God I ran into a guy named Mike Singer who introduced me to CrossFit. He’s like, “I’m going to go be a Navy SEAL.” I said, “What’s that?” I was in landlocked Missouri in St. Louis. I was like, “I know what Army Rangers and Marines are. I don’t know what a Navy SEAL is.” He brought that light to me. I started doing a little bit of research and CrossFit as a way to work out. I was like, “It’s now or never. Let’s do it.” I was young enough, still only 21 years old, when I had the opportunity. Nothing was tying me down to St. Louis. I had no reason to be there other than for my family. I gave myself a year to train, enlist and go join.

We talked about being a loan officer. I want to get into the SEAL thing. I was a Financial Advisor at Merrill Lynch when I got out of the Army. I went to business school. While I was in school, I had this opportunity. They recruited me and the guy who was my partner there is one of my closest friends, still. I owe so much to him for giving me a chance because I didn’t know what I wanted to do.

My period of being lost was when I got out of the Army. That was when I had to look around and be like, “Everything that defined me or I knew was there in that rearview mirror.” That world of finance, financial advisory and loan officer is a tough place to get into because we talk about resilience. That is one of the most stressful environments where you don’t have to be an elite athlete, a Navy SEAL or a Green Beret to demonstrate the highest levels of resiliency and adaptability.

[bctt tweet=”You have to mark the business world the correct way or come up with good ideas. ” username=”talentwargroup”]

The financial advisor is a little different. I don’t know that world quite as much but being a loan officer, you think everything was going flamingly and great. “This loan is going to be done. I’m going to make this much money. It’s going to be fantastic.” Something steps on. Your underwriter walks and is like, “No, you need this.” You go back to your client like, “We don’t have that.” It stops and then it tracks. You’re high on the highs and low on the lows. It’s a ten-second swing. It’s a tough world. Adapting and overcoming are a big part of those guys. They have to grind to find those deals.

Going to the SEALs, you talked about the fact that you believe one of the reasons why you were successful in becoming a SEAL was because you didn’t put it on a pedestal. You went there with a friend who put it on a pedestal. He quit on day two. Talk to me about that. The reason why I asked this question is that we spoke with Jason Khalipa, the 2008 CrossFit Games Champion. He talks about this with regards to fitness.TJP - EP #060 Josh Bridges

You can’t put fitness on a pedestal. If you put working out on a pedestal every day and it becomes this thing that’s always in the back of your mind, you’re destined to fail. When I was reading your story, that came to my mind, I think about the guys who I went through selection in Ranger School. The ones who quit on day two didn’t make it. They failed something early because their dad was a General or their grandfather was in the military. They had this lineage. All of a sudden, they didn’t make it.

It’s true because so many people think these things are unobtainable because they see them on TV or read about them in books. They’ve been told these mythical stories of these giants of men who are doing these heroic things. I don’t get starstruck by seeing celebrities or any of those types of people. I knew I couldn’t do that for myself. It also wasn’t something that I dreamed about my entire life.

The guy I went in with was like, “This has been my childhood dream.” I was like, “You gave up on day two? What was going through your mind to think that you no longer could do this on day two? Why put it up there?” We had a lot of great mentors in BUD/S. While we were going through it, they brought in these master chiefs from Dam Neck. SEAL Team Six would sit there and give us these great pieces of advice. The best piece of advice that he said to us while we were sitting there was, “You’re groggy, tired and had been beaten down.”

You get these little golden nuggets here and there. He’s like, “Lesser men than you have come and gone and made it through this course, so why can’t you?” “If that guy can do it, why can’t I do it?” You see these people and get to know them. They are normal human beings. They’re very resilient and disciplined. They adapt like all these characteristics that you’re reading off. They carry those into their life and don’t put the job up on this pedestal because it isn’t. It’s a job, our career or whatever you want to call it.

It’s a mindset going into it, being like, “If that guy can do it, so can I.” They’re not superheroes and don’t have superpowers. They’re men who went out and worked for what they wanted and got it. For me, that was the same thing. You talked about Jason. It was the same thing for fitness. I got into CrossFit so early. There weren’t many big names yet and people to look up to.

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“It’s a mindset going into it. If that guy can do it, so can I.”

It wasn’t like, “That’s Rich Froning.” He wasn’t anybody yet. He was a guy who could be in there one time. You have to have that mindset for these types of environments. You’re going to be a CEO or going to the CrossFit games, anything high level. You can’t be intimidated by those types of people because they are human beings who’ve done cool things.

Talk to me about being in the moment of competition. I’ll quantify that. We talk about fear a lot. One of the jobs that I do is work as a Performance Development Coach for Boston University for the men’s rowing team. I work with athletes. One of the things that comes up a lot with our coaching of these guys is mindset. That’s something that we’re so focused on. There’s this element of fear. Fear is something that we’ve spoken about in a variety of different contexts and on several episodes.

You look at yourself and your career. You were a Navy SEAL and deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan. You have to perform in times of fear. You look at something like the CrossFit Games, which you’ve been in there six times. You were second in 2011. You’ve won regionals four times. Massive achievements have come because you’ve been put in a situation where you have to perform as a team and individually but there’s always an element of fear that we have to overcome to achieve at the moment. Can you talk about that? What goes through your mind when you’re put in these situations where it’s time to execute?

It sucks for those guys because they get in their heads. They think about the long haul. They don’t think about the daily grind. In the end, even when you become a SEAL, it’s not like the thing is over. The hard part starts now. You obtained your goal great. Go do the hard work. You have to keep it every day. Every day was a harder grind. People always ask about BUD/S. I’m sure you get the same thing. I always tell them, “That was tough.” When I became a SEAL, the workups and deployments were one million times harder. You couldn’t quit. There wasn’t a bell to go ring. You had your teammates relying on you.

People say, “We can’t get fired.” You come in one day and your crap is in the hallway. Guys enter their code into the door and the code doesn’t work. It’s like, “You’re fired.” You don’t exhibit what we expect for you to be on this team and earn this. We call it tab revocation. I don’t know if they do it in the SEALs when you lose your Trident. That is prevalent and that happens. They achieve these things and are like, “I can act like I suck. I can do whatever I want.” Jason McCarthy and I talked about this in our last episode in the lead-up to Sandlot. You have to represent the regimen and the teams every day in any organization.

Put it on your chest, on your shoulder or put a company’s name across your chest that’s willing to pay you or on your shoes. You have to represent that brand and name every single day. Going back to the initial question about fear when it comes to competing. It’s an interesting thing. I wanted to never be exposed or shown like, “You can’t do something in the CrossFit world.” For me, that was my fear. My fear was having to go on the competition floor and not performing. Given a test by Dave Castro at the time for CrossFit and being like, “Here’s your test, go do it,” and not being able to do it. That was my fear.

I use that fear every single day in the gym, where I train so much harder than I knew the competitions would be. When the competition came, there was never even a question. Not only was it easier because I’m no longer by myself in my gym at night where it’s cold. I’ve been working out all day and haven’t eaten that much. I’m in front of however many thousands of people cheering and clapping for you. The adrenaline going through your body is insane.

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“I trained so much harder than I knew the competition would be, so that when competition came there was never even a question.”

There’s no way you’re going to fail because it’s even ten times easier. I get to perform in front of people. This is great. I’ve done a version of this work that’s ten times harder. It’s like, “Let’s go.” The fear for me was the fear of not being able to do what I was tasked to do. It drove me so hard. It made me put every ounce of my energy into the training.

Something we always said in the teams was, “Sweat in training, so you don’t have to bleed in war.” I pushed that same saying into myself for my training when it came to CrossFit as well. I was like, “I’m going to make this so much harder than it has to be.” When it comes to the tests that CrossFit puts out, it’s not even going to be a thing.

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“Sweat in training so you don’t have to bleed in war.”

We talk about it on the show. Our tagline or motto is “How you prepare today determines success tomorrow.” That’s something that I firmly believe in and I agree with you on that. You have to put the work in and think about how you are expected to perform when the time comes to perform, create a program and get there. Talk to me about your training.

You’ve been active in this world for a long time. For you in the CrossFit world, it’s not a one year, “Let’s go out. I can do it,” and then move on to the next thing. You continue to be very active in it. When you look at your training, you spoke about the long game and getting so caught up in the long game, you lose sight of the short game. How do you approach training in your daily life?

For me, it’s a lot better. I’m not competing anymore. I continue to be involved in the sport of CrossFit because I believe in that. It’s awesome. Other sports like The GORUCK Games and these obstacle races are so cool and fun. For me, I’m trying to stay fit for life, longevity game. I’m not trying to smash myself anymore. Don’t get me wrong. I still have goals but they’re a lot less and not the highest priority on my list because I want to be able to play soccer or sports with my kid.

I want to throw a football in the backyard with my kids and go play touch football, baseball or rustle around in the house with them. I still do a CrossFit workout and some conditioning because I believe in its ideology. It’s the best way to be fit for life. I do a little bit of strength because I always think you have strong legs no matter what. I’m working out for maybe 60 minutes to 2 hours. That’s because I linger.

When I was in the thick of it, it was all day. You had your list of, “I need to do my strength, this style of CrossFit, this time domain or this weight and for this many reps.” I went onto the gymnastics portion and structural portion and had my recovery. It was very regimented and thought out in the process of not so much as maybe a written plan. These are the things that need to be hit. It was a process. I loved every second of it.

Another big thing that people get bogged down with is understanding that the goal, whether it’s to be a SEAL, staying on top of the podium at the CrossFit Games, winning The GORUCK Games or winning any of these things, are goals and what you’re trying to achieve. If you don’t enjoy the process that takes you to those places, you’re never going to get to those places anyway. That’s 98% of it.

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“If you don’t enjoy the process, the process that takes you to those places, you’re never going to get to those places anyway.”

Standing on top of the podium is like a glimpse. It is a blink of an eye or a flash in the pan. It’s like, “I don’t even remember standing on the podium when I took second. I have no idea where my metals at either. I don’t care.” I remember that other 98% of it, which was the grind. That was a fun part that I loved. I’m testing and pushing myself every day.

I believe that is the difference between the mindset of going out to win versus going out there and competing. Let me quantify that for you. Too many times, we get caught up in the actual competition itself and we forget that we have to enjoy this process. What happens is we focus on the actual competition. I’ll put it in the context of the guys I worked with. They were focused on the race. We race every Saturday, so we look forward to every Saturday.

What happens is you fall into this world where Monday through Friday is what we start to get through these days to get to Saturday where it needs to be. I need to attack and embrace these days. I need to wake up every day, put a smile on my face and say, “I’m not worried about tomorrow or Saturday because I have to crush today and tomorrow.” That’s what I have to look forward to. Changing a mindset or program is something we’re focused on.

It’s a huge part of it. When you see the best of the best, that’s what you see. A good example would be Katie Ledecky. I remember reading these stories about how her coach, on a day-to-day basis, would give her these outrageous paces to hold on to these swims so she would almost get them. She would never typically achieve them because he would make them what he thought was unobtainable. She’d get close.

She goes through the Olympics and blows the other racers out of the water. Not should you compete every single day but you should be going hard or focusing on technique or strategies. Every day you should be working hard. Hopefully, you can find a way to enjoy that. If you’re going in and going through the motions, winners don’t come out. They don’t have that mindset.

That’s what we’re battling. “I have to work out.” It’s like, “No, you need to want to work.”

When I was a wrestler in high school and college, the guys who were staying went through a four-hour grind session and you’re like, “This guy is going to do more work.” I’m looking back. Those were the guys that were going on, winning nationals and doing great things. That’s the mindset. I’m not pushing it into my kids quite as hard yet but I’m teaching them. They’ll start to complain sometimes about practice, especially my little guy. I’m like, “This is where you learn. The game is fun and great. I’m excited for you to play the games. This is where you build and sharpen your knife and sword.”

That’s what we’re doing with my daughter. We’ve got three levels of it because she’s got the games. Lacrosse in Connecticut is two games every weekend. She’s going to practice three nights a week at 8:00 at night. They’re out there until 9:00, 9:30 PM. It’s crazy and super intense. She’s in seventh grade but she and I practice at the house. Before she goes to practice, we’re out there for 10 to 15 minutes. We’re throwing the ball and working on our technique. She’ll be like, “I want to dodge you and shoot.” I’m like, “No. At practice here, we’re focused on fundamentals. If you can’t catch and throw, you can’t play the game. The time where we’re going to do that is you and me. You can elevate that when to go to the game.”

Teaching them that the great players are amazing at the basic skill. That’s what a lot of people like kids, especially get caught up with the flashy stuff that they see. My oldest son is like that. He wants to hit home runs. I’m like, “Don’t focus on hitting home runs. Hit line drives. When you get bigger and stronger, they become home runs.” He wants that big uppercut.

There’s the concept that you know when we talked about it a bit. There’s nothing special about being in Special Forces and Special Operations. It’s all about doing the basics and the fundamentals better than anybody else. People look at guys who are SEALs, Green Berets, Rangers and MARSOC guys. You talked about not being superhuman or this special person.

[bctt tweet=”Lessons of resiliency, adaptability, and humility apply to the entrepreneur world. ” username=”talentwargroup”]

What’s the difference is the standard, the adherence to the standard and the attitude of no compromise. We’re going to stay here until we get it right. If you don’t get it right the 2nd time, we’re going to do it the 3rd time and 4th time. We’re never going to walk out saying, “We didn’t achieve that standard.”TJP - EP #060 Josh Bridges

Saying, “I’m not going to do it until I get it right. I’m going to do it so we can’t get it wrong.” Our mindset was like that. It was like, “You don’t get to leave when you hit the target. You get to leave when you hit it twenty times in a row and don’t miss.” It’s a different mindset. It’s not superhuman. It’s being very diligent and disciplined. Take it very seriously because as an SF guy or a SEAL, you’re a professional soldier. It’s all you are.

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“I’m not gonna do it until I get it right. I’m gonna do it until I can’t get it wrong.”

Talk to me about what I call the last 1%. There are a lot of people who are good at CrossFit, people who compete well, athletes who are great rowers and great swimmers. You name it. We’ve been fortunate to speak to several Olympic medalists. One of the things that comes up a lot is people believe that they trained hard but you look at somebody who’s stood on the medal podium.

They’ll say, “The difference between what I believed was training hard and what training hard was that got me onto the podium was there’s a Delta in there.” The reason I asked you this question is that you’ve competed in a number of the games. You have been on and off the podium. The question is, in that context, what is that difference?

The difference was huge. I’ve talked about this on other shows with people because it’s a great point. What people perceive to be their 100% or think they’re working hard is mind-blowing sometimes. Sometimes you’re like, “That’s what you’re calling hard work?” The best way to put it, I remember hearing this quote somewhere, is, “Some people think they work a little bit and expect to win or be successful because they worked a little bit. Winners work hard and think they didn’t do enough that they should have done more.”

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“Winners work really really hard and think they didn’t do enough.”

I never felt satisfied when I was in the gym or training. I always thought there was something that I should still be working on and it would keep me up at night. I wouldn’t sleep that great. I was like, “I could’ve done this. I’m constantly evolving, figuring out, adapting, changing my training and understanding how I can be more efficient? How could I have done this? How could I have had less time away from the gym? Back into it and more, how could I have been less sore? How could I have recovered harder?”

What separates is that 1% of Delta because some people get handed a list of things to do, go through their list and accomplish it. They think they did enough. The 1% have the mindset that it’s never enough. Nothing that you do is ever enough. Until the day that you get your test, you have to go accomplish it, succeed and take first, maybe you did enough. You’ll want the next one.

One thing I regret a little bit, going back, is I wish I would’ve taken a little bit more downtime after the CrossFit Games every year and given my body a little bit of break. I would take 1 day or 2 and be right back to the gym. I’d be like, “No.” I knew that there were things I needed to work on. I never accomplished my goal to win CrossFit Games and it never happened.

I would leave. I’d rather have a list of, “This is where I was exposed or felt exposed at the CrossFit Games. This is how I’m going not to have that happen ever again.” Days later, we’d start. That is a mindset and what creates the people who make it through BUD/S, SF, the Q course or the guys and girls who go to the CrossFit Games or these events. They stay on the podium or the ones that don’t.

What’s next for you?

The business world is interesting. It’s like starting all over. Lifting weights doesn’t get me a victory. I have to mark it the correct way or come up with good ideas for whatever. I own a coffee company, Good Dudes Coffee. I love that. That’s fun.

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Good Dudes Coffee

How did that start?

I have the saying, “We’re going pro.” When I first got into coffee, the military was the same thing. I was like, “I want to get into good coffee.” I was so new and didn’t know it. I ordered unroasted coffee beans shipped over to Iraq. I was like, “I have a lot of roasted coffee. What do I do? I’m going to buy a coffee roaster.” I’m roasting coffee in Iraq, came back and came up with the idea for the brand Good Dudes Coffee, and ran with it. That’s how it all came. It’s been fun.

I’m doing programming at That’s been cool. I offer a program on how I trained to prepare for BUD/S. I have my competition training for CrossFit. I have people who are trying to stay fit. What I’m doing is I’ll have one hour on that program. That’s been cool and fun. Figuring all that out and working on the different sides of the business has been interesting.

When you look at these two industries, the fitness space and Good Dudes Coffee, how do you define your niche?

We offer a great product. People sometimes think, “He’s a CrossFitter who made a coffee company. He probably dumped a bunch of beans in a bag, put a stupid slap face on and sold it.” To be honest, I didn’t want that. I could easily go that route. You can make a lot more money that route and have more profit. It’s quality. You won’t get those returning customers. I went out, thought after and found good coffee and a roaster to do the roasting. We tried to come up with some cool marketing.

I defined our brand. Anybody out there who wants to do an awesome thing and drink good coffee, that’s us. We’re looking for anybody like us because that’s our game. We make coffee for everyone who is a good person. That’s why we’ve been Good Dudes Coffee. In the military, you always want to be known as a good dude. It’s where I came up with the name for it. You never wanted to be a nice guy. “He’s a good neighbor but I wouldn’t go to war with him.”

Where we came up with a name for Good Dudes was like, “People who are awesome doing awesome stuff out there like good coffee.” It’s a super competitive market. You have to find people who are willing to put a little bit of effort into their coffee. Coffee can be very simple. I can go to Starbucks and buy whatever, run to any coffee shop on the road or dump this Folgers. It’s been interesting and fun. I’m excited about it. We’re coming up with some cool ideas. We’ve got some good stuff coming out soon.

TJP - EP #060 Josh Bridges

“People who are awesome, doing awesome stuff out there, and they like really good coffee.”

The lessons taken from the SEALs and CrossFit, that mindset applies to the entrepreneur world. The resiliency, adaptability, drive and humility to have to ask yourself and talk about it constantly. After the end of the competition, you look back and say, “Did I do everything that I could?” We’re going to go through that same journey. In the business, you have the integrity to do it and the curiosity to find better ways and build the team. You got to learn from mistakes and display that effective intelligence. You got to have the emotional strength to wake up every day and say, “I’m going to keep at this and not quit on day two.”

He was the guy who introduced me to it. He went on and did other things. He went down a different path but it was a bomber. I was like, “You gave up on your childhood dream. It must have been in a bad place.”

Josh, thanks for joining me. I appreciate it. It’s a great conversation.

Thanks for having me. This was a blast. I’m so glad I got invited on.

I appreciate all your support.


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